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Dr.Sanjana Sainani
Know the Doctor
Gynecologist and laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr.Sanjana Sainani
- MBBS Sep 2005 — June 2010 (NKP Salve Institute Medical Sciences, Nagpur)
- MS (OBGY) June 2011 — May 2014 (NKP Salve Institute Medical Sciences, Nagpur)
- FMIGS (Fellowship in Minimal Invasive Gynaec Surgery and Hysteroscopy (MUHS university) 1st Batch Oct 2015 — Nov 2016 (Galaxy Care Laparoscopy Institute, Pune)
Paper Presentation
- Poster presentation- pregnancy with portal hypertension at , AMOGS conference 2012 2.Paper presentation: Ovarian neoplasams, an enigma –World Congress On Dilemmas in OB/GY 2012 .
- Presentation on Laparoscopic management of Baldder Endomteriosis at 12th AAGL International Congress in Mumbai 2016
- Presentation on Complications of Laparoscopy in Gyneacology at 12th AAGL International Congress in Mumbai 2016
- Presentation on a Rare case of Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich Syndrome and its management and Laparoscopic management of Bladder Endomterioisis in Kochi 2016
- International Presentation on Laparoscopic Neurovascular Anatomy and its Surgical Significance,AAGL,Orlando ,2016.
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