Laparoscopic Fibroid Removal

Laparoscopic Fibroid Removal

Laparoscopic fibroid removal is a minimally invasive procedure to remove uterinefibroids, benign (not cancerous) growths in a woman’s uterus. The procedure can help relieve uterine fibroid symptoms such as abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding, pain in the pelvic region, and pressure on the bladder or bowel.

This procedure is called a myomectomy. A myomectomy can be performed through an open incision, or in some cases, laparoscopically. Rarely, the fibroid may be removed through an incision in your vagina (colpotomy).

A very large uterine fibroid can cause the uterus to expand to the size of a 6 or 7 month pregnancy. Fibroids can form as one single dominant fibroid or as a cluster of many small fibroids. Consequently there is more thickened lining to shed when during your period. … If your fibroids are big enough, you will feel a stronger sensation of pressure at the time of your period because of blood flow to the fibroidsFibroids put more pressure on the uterine lining, also causing more bleeding and pain.

You should expect a full recovery after surgery to take about 6 weeks. It is normal to have vaginal bleeding and discharge for 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. The discharge and bleeding should gradually decrease.

If you have multiple fibroids, very large fibroids or very deep fibroids, your doctor may use an open abdominal surgical procedure to remove the fibroids. Many women who are told that hysterectomy is their only option can have an abdominal myomectomy instead. However, scarring after surgery can affect future fertility.

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